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The Cang Jie Method & the English book: 

1) Introduction. a) the CJ Signs; b) the CJ Rules;    c) input process. Basic principles.

2) The 24 Main-Signs. Easiness to understand them and to remember them.

3) Order of the Signs inside characters

4) The 87 additional Secondary-Signs presented as derivate shapes from the Main-Signs.

5) The delimitation of Signs 

6) The Rules of Selection of Signs are based on the structure of characters divided in three groups: Single Unit characters; Two Unit characters; and Three Unit characters.

7) More complex characters that have more than two intervals, see some their strokes (signs) virtually integrated to form no more than maximum allowed of 3 units.

8) The Four Simplifications (exceptions)

9) Summary of the Cang Jie Method

10) Special advantages of the Cang-jie graphic input compared to phonetic input (pinyin, zhuyin).

11) Easy Cang-jie  a variant of the standard method: input is made by keying only the first and last signs. 

12) Simplified Characters can also be inputted with Cang-jie as explained on the CJ book.

13) Tutoring CJ programs: a gem for practicing CangJie in an interesting manner. (free down load)

14) The Cang Jie Method Reference book:   generalities and particularities.


16) How to find the Cang Jie English book.

17) The author of the CJ English book.

18) Cang jie dedication: actions helping the study of Cangjie system 


The inventor & his cultural projects:

1) The person: Practical wisdom

2) Fundamental theory: the Nine Discourses of Wisdom.

3) Main aspect of Chinese ideographic characters: the essence of Chinese Culture.   

4) The Cang Jie System:  covering all the functions a language can use in a computer.

5) Natural language system & Basic Elements of Chinese characters

6) Literary works on computer science and Chinese philosophy.

7) "The Nine Discourses on Wisdom"

8)" Voyageur du Cosmos"

9) ChineseEbook provide an affordable palmtop where all Chinese texts, even those containing less often used characters,  can be downloaded and displayed.

10) Multimedia: preparing computer animation for stories related to the history and traditions of China (with variable scenarios at will of the user). [under construction]



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