Easy CangJie

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 CangJie Method itself  Simplified


There is a variant mode of the Cangjie method, called EASY Cangjie.

Most Chinese systems support this simplified Cangjie input mode. To input in Easy Cangjie, you just need to setup your input prompt line to that mode. The precise way to do that depend on what Chinese system you are using.

Easy Cangjie requires only 2 codes to input a character:

the first and last code-letter of the code defined by the standard Cangjie mode.


to   get the character you must input only its first and its last code:

the code Y for the first sign   


and the code J for the last sign 


In Easy Cangjie, the code for is simply: YJ 

while in standard Cangjie, the code is: YJKSJ 

EASY Cangjie is extremely useful: you can input a character even if you don’t remember the shapes between the first sign and the last sign! You just need to be sure of the first and last sign of the character.


We can now have a look  all the advantages we will gain for Chinese input when knowing the Cang Jie Method 


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