Simplifed Chinese

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simplified characters ~ Cangjie input 


So, if you learn Cangjie input for one kind of character, you know how to key-in the other kind.

From the point of view of graphic input, simplified characters used in Mainland China and traditional characters used in Taiwan and Hong Kong are formed with the same basic shapes.

Therefore, the Cang Jie system, which is based on the morphological aspect of characters, can be use equally for both ways of writing characters. The difference in applying the method for the two types of characters are minimal, and do not related to the principles. However, it is important to know these differences. 

The "Cang Jie Method" is the first book on Cang Jie that gives the necessary information to be able to use completely and easily the input method with simplified characters.  

Therefore this book can be useful to learners of the simplified characters used in Mainland China as well as for those learning the traditional form of characters.

(Note: all the books in Chinese language describe the method for traditional characters only. This is because Input Method Editors (ime) for simplified characters have been made available only recently. [See section Cang Jie is "Every where" on Systems supporting Cang Jie input]).   

((The picture below will be remade soon)

We insist: the rules to determine the codes are identical in principle for both type of characters. As a consequence of course, characters that have different traditional and simplified graphic appearance, will also have a different Cang Jie code, as illustrated above.

In the Cang Jie Method book, every time a traditional character has also a simplified form, it is signaled with a red star («), and the shape and the code for the simplified form is also presented.

  • CangJie  Input  for s simplified characters is supported by:

-- NJ-STAR Chinese Editor: it contains itself an IME for CangJie input of simplified characters supporting  Western Windows 95/98/Me AND in Windows 2000. The CangJie input method for simplified characters is very similar to what is explained on the "CangJie Method" reference book for the input of simplified characters.

-- TwinBridge Chinese Partner can input with simplified characters with Cangjie (for Western Windows 95/98/Me) but need to be added IME, the: CJ-Simple input editor,  which can be downloaded from our website. It must be installed following the very simple procedure summarized below.

Simple PROCEDURE TO INSTALL the CangJie  Input method  for Simplified Characters (in Twinbridge Chinese Partner )

(You must have Twinbridge Chinese Partner for English version of Windows -or the demo- installed in your computer.)

To install the CJ Simple input method you must use the Input Method Editor (IME Generator) provided by Twinbridge, which appears as a separate icon in Twinbridge Program Group. once you have installed the Chinese Partner for English version of Windows. 

Step 1: Open the following small zip file  Cangjie IME Driver and save it to one of your directories. This will produce the text file: UNIVERS2.TXT .Choose it and Move it into the directory where Chinese Partner is installed. 

Step II:  Launch the Custom IME Generator program by double clicking on the  icon. The following dialogue box will appear:

Step III:  Select the file name univers2.txt on the dialogue box of the Custom IME Generator and Click on Build IME button;

Step IV:  Click on Exit button and restart Twinbridge  again.

When you have restarted Twinbridge and set it up at GUOBIAO CODE, simplified fonts, on the input line choose the input method named: 

 "Cj simp universal2". 


You can then input simplified characters with CangJie codes according to the shape of the simplified characters used in mainland China and represented in the Guobiao code.




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