THE "CANG JIE METHOD" REFERENCE BOOK. THE ENGLISH CANGJIE BIBLE All the other books explaining the method (maybe 100 in Taiwan and Hong Kong) are written in Chinese. This is the only book in English! Note: the original price (the cover price) is: 25 US$ (750 NT$)
But, we are happy to offer you and your colleagues studying or using Chinese language the:
the Present Promotion Discount price for one book: of 15 US$ only! (a 40% discount over the cover price for all students and users of the Chinese language. )
for 380 pages of solid and clear & complete teaching of the CJ Method, in English :
(Plus 5 US$ for handling cost; and plus the stamp cost (about 15 US$ for USA and Europe) (Air mail registered) Total: 35 US$
Payment modes:
1) PayPal Payment Service :
2) You can also send your payment by registered mail to the author's address: Please contact the author first at : edouard@ms5.hinet.net or CJ Book order
***Further Promotion Discount price for 2 books: 10$/book (plus handling & stamps)
***Purchase of lover 10 books for schools and others: 7$/book (plus handling & stamps) (Note: this price of 7$/book is below to the cost of the printing per book! So ...is't a real bargain!!) *************************************************************************************************** The "Cang Jie Method" is the first book, and so far the only one, explaining Cang Jie in English. In addition, it is the only book so far that explains how to input simplified characters with Cangjie. Students of Chinese are attracted to Cang Jie because the CJ system is based on the shapes forming the characters and therefore they can type in their computer or electronic dictionaries characters of which they do not know the pronunciation or phonetic transcription. If they knew only pinyin input, they would not be able to do so. They will loose all the advantages that computer programs can give to any language learner. Still, the main advantage for non fluent users of Chinese is the fact that the intrinsic design itself of the method will assist them REMEMBER the structure of the characters. One major struggle facing students of the Chinese language is the task of recognizing characters and remembering them. The main difficulty lies in the complexities of Chinese characters patterns. Most texts on Chinese tackle this problem by instructing students to write characters by hand over and over again. This traditional memorization exercise definitively has value. However, especially for complex characters, when learners trace stroke after stroke they often loose sight of the structure of the character. The "Cang Jie Method" reference book offers a totally different way to assist the student: it presents Cang Jie in a manner that illuminates the structure of Chinese characters. Because the CangJie input method is based on the shapes and on the structure of characters, not on their phonetic representation, it can efficiently help students to retain the image of characters. To determine the code of a character, one must disassemble it mentally into its structural partitions (the units) and its shapes (the signs) according to the Cang Jie method rules. Illustration:
In doing this mental graphic deconstruction and reconstruction exercise, the students, consciously or unconsciously, make a picture of the basic elements of the characters. This results in a much faster retention of the structure of characters, without an actual repetitive memorization effort. This benefit, which derives from the method's intrinsic design is increased by the manner the book presents the method: To give an immediate and full idea of the Cangjie Method reference book, you can download the full chapter 1, which is very representative of the way the book is presented: Chapter 1 (Adobe Acrobat *.pdf file, compressed *.zip, size 1 Mega)
These benefits are also enhanced by the fact that entering a character in a computer allows the student to take advantage of computer resources. Then the students can work with the characters in many creative ways:
With all these unique benefits provided by the "Cang Jie Method", students of Chinese as a Second Language will, without doubt, increase their Chinese character retention power. But there are additional advantages that the "CangJie Method" can bring to the students and other users of the Chinese language. All the graphics in this website are more less extracts or adaptations of illustration of the "CangJie Method" book. |